The Early Years Foundation Stage
We believe that in Early Years, play underpins children’s learning and development. In Nursery and Reception, we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, building on the foundations laid throughout their prior experiences, and preparing children for their transitions into Reception and Year 1. For children moving into Year 1, we will ensure the children are equipped ready to progress on to the National Curriculum.
Our philosophy is that by nurturing children into inquisitive thinkers and independent resilient learners, it will enable them to grow and develop, and fulfil their potential. We have an environment which promotes learning both indoors and out, in which children feel safe and secure. Through exploration and discovery, children make sense of the world around them and develop emotionally, socially, physically and intellectually. Experienced and dedicated staff support the children by having a well-planned daily routine which includes opportunities for them to work independently or with others, in both child-initiated and adult directed play and learning situations. Staff continuously observe the children, noticing their interests, and extend their learning through challenging and skillful questioning.
Each year as William Morris Primary School welcomes a new intake of Nursery and Reception children, we recognise that the creation of strong parent partnership links is vital, to establish positive relationships for the benefit of children, parents and the school. We arrange home visits in the Summer term for every child starting school to give the opportunity to meet the children and their parents on a 1:1 basis to gain knowledge about each child’s individual interests and needs. We believe that offering an induction programme to school, helps children to settle and make the most of their school experience. For those children entering Nursery and Reception, we offer stay and play sessions in the June/July prior to children starting school in September; informative information sessions; and a staggered entry into school over a short period of time. All Nursery and Reception children will be in school full-time by the end of September. A baseline assessment will be completed by October half term, so that staff can personalise the child’s learning experiences and measure progress accurately.